We are Kristen, Shawn and Claire aka The Crawford's! We also have furry members of our family: Abbey, Morgan and Olivia.
Shawn and Kristen met and started dating back in 2001 while in High school, married on June 19th, 2010. Newlyweds!! Our amazing daughter was born on September 19th, 2009, the day our lives were made extraordinary.
The resident wife and mommy here! I am currently 24 years old and I think I'll just stop counting once 25 rolls around. I currently work full time in an administrative job. It's your typical 8-5, M-F kind of job. Sound boring? It is. The job itself is about as good as it can get but I feel like I'm at the limit for boring. I'm making a list of goals and dreams that I want to accomplish and I'm determined to do them. Goals and dreams are two different things, goals are something you know can be done, dreams are something that can't always be accomplished but something you should do everything to obtain. I love elephants and collect anything to do with them. I'm breaking into the photography world and can't wait to see where it takes me. The idea of capturing that particular moment of time and being able to control what it looks like fascinates me. My biggest dream is my family and I have obtained that plus some! They are more than I ever imagined and I thank God everyday for the blessings he has given me. No matter what is going on they make my world. My daughter's smile makes me heart surge yet I get the same feeling if we've been up all night cutting teeth. I want to give her the world because she deserves that and so much more. Shawn:
The man of the family! 27 years old, working full-time as a car salesman. Ever heard the joke about not looking the car salesman in the eye? Well now you can't even go on the internet because I'm here too! No, seriously, want to buy a car?? All joking aside, I'm loving my life as a Daddy. It's amazing! Claire brightens my life in every way. I played football in High school (#59!) and am a huge Dallas Cowboys fan. Yes, I've already researched pink Dallas everything. I like fast cars, especially Ford Mustangs. My Dad and I own an old AMX and have been restoring it, can't wait to see the finished product! I'm loving life can't believe just how fast it's flying by now since my daughter was born.
Our sweet St. Bernard! Yes, she is a BIG dog. At 8 weeks old she was already 13lbs. The rumors about this breed being lazy are very true, however it doesn't happen until around 2 years old! She was a very energetic puppy. Nowadays spending one hour playing outside requires several hours of snoring on the floor after drinking our well dry of water. Her idea of a dog bed would be the couch so she has been banned from getting on it. Holy dog hair!! She is a big cuddler and loves it when Daddy scratches her back.
The wild child. Morgan is primarily beagle but I recently found out she also has chiwawa and jack russel in her. That is a recipe for one hyper crazy animal!! Nothing can ever love as hard as Morgan can, she not only wants to cuddle with you, she wants to morph her body into yours. She was my buddy during bed rest after learning to stay off my baby belly. Her dog bed is Abbey, she even digs at her to fluff her up!
I got Olivia at 6 months old from the SPCA's PetSmart location. She was very timid and scared all the time. Since then she has gotten much braver! She spends her days laying on the back of the couch and loves to lay by an open window. She has beautiful long hair and has gotten quite fat. She is still very quiet UNLESS she runs out of food. She becomes very loud until her demands are met. Most people never know we have a cat because she still runs from any strangers.