This past weekend was Labor Day weekend. So, in other words, a 3 day weekend!! Having that one extra day off can make such a difference. Unfortunately, Shawn did not have an extra day off. :( He still had to work all day Saturday and Monday.
The weather was beyond beautiful all 3 days. We were able to cut the a/c off and open all the windows in the house. It was so nice to air out from the horrendous heat and humidity we've had.
On Sunday we all went to the Lam family reunion. It was so nice to see some of the older members of my family. I have to admit that whenever I hug one of Grandpa's brothers I still close my eyes and pretend it's really him giving the hug. I'm sure he was there with us that day as I feel he is most of the time. They all hug and smell very similar. That deep down, sawdust mixed with gas and sweat (and who knows what else!) smell was intoxicating to me as a child. It was the smell of my Grandpa, a man who seemed invincible to all of us. Bigger than life itself. I mean, how many people can pull this off?? They just don't make 'em like this anymore.

On Monday a small group of us went up on the Skyline Drive to celebrate Gran's upcoming birthday this week. I love to go up there, it's always so beautiful. On this particular trip everything was down right breathtaking! Everything was so clear with hardly a cloud in the sky so we could see for miles. After eating lunch I sat under a big tree with everyone while holding a sleeping Claire. THAT is the definition of a relaxing afternoon. I could have gone to sleep at any point. Small apples were growing all over the place and we even saw a buck! Since it was a holiday weekend there were more people than usual so I think that scared away most of the animals. Claire was brave enough to venture out and walk in the grass! She hates the way it feels but eventually got over it. I can't wait to go back once the leaves start changing colors!